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In a world where environmental challenges grow more urgent each day, making a consistent impact can seem daunting. At EarthShare Texas, we believe that everyone has the power to create positive change, and our Eco-Enthusiast monthly giving program is designed to make it easier than ever for you to contribute to a sustainable future.

What is the Eco-Enthusiast Monthly Giving Program?

Eco-Enthusiasts are a dedicated group of individuals who provide ongoing, monthly support to EarthShare Texas. By becoming an Eco-Enthusiast, you commit to regular contributions that help sustain a wide variety of environmental initiatives across Texas. This continuous support allows us to plan and implement long-term projects with greater confidence and impact.

Why Monthly Giving Matters

Consistent funding is crucial for the success of environmental programs. Here’s why your monthly gift as an Eco-Enthusiast makes a significant difference:

  1. Sustained Impact: Your regular contributions provide a reliable source of funding, enabling us to maintain and expand essential programs.
  2. Long-Term Planning: With predictable income, we can plan more effectively and take on ambitious projects that require sustained effort and resources.
  3. Community Building: Joining the Eco-Enthusiast program connects you with a community of like-minded individuals who are equally passionate about protecting the environment.

TreeFolks, photo credit Matthew Bradford

Where Your Contributions Go

As an Eco-Enthusiast, your donations will support a broad spectrum of environmental causes. When you sign up, you can decide where to send your monthly gift; directly to EarthShare Texas, or distributed among our 33 nonprofit members.

EarthShare Texas Funding

You can support EarthShare Texas’ operations by donating directly to our federation every month. Support EarthShare Texas programs, staff, and development so that we can continue providing the highest quality services to our nonprofit members.

EarthShare Texas Members

Our groups work locally to protect and preserve human health and all aspects of our environment. EarthShare Texas also protects its donors by ensuring that each of its member groups adheres to strict eligibility criteria, and operates with the highest possible ethical and professional standards. Our nonprofit members fall into seven different categories.

  • Water Resources: It’s vital that our member organizations protect our water resources, and ensure everyone can access clean drinking water. Life literally depends on the enduring efforts of locals, like you.
  • Advocacy & Justice: Several of our members focus on building public support for conservation, clean water, and climate and environmental justice. They represent the frontline for environmental policy change in Texas.
  • Environmental Education: Environmental education work encourages a growing awareness and understanding of our partnership with the living earth – inspiring current and future generations to make a difference.
  • Infrastructure & Sustainable Design: Innovation in energy, infrastructure, and design is essential to build more resilient and coexistent communities.
  • Land Conservation: Over 95% of Texas land is privately owned, which underscores the importance of conservation efforts in our state. These members protect and acquire public lands.
  • Parks & Public Space: Texans utilize public spaces to gather, rest, and stay active. Our members establish, expand, and maintain outdoor resources for the public’s enjoyment.
  • Wildlife: To protect animals, wildlife organizations work to rehabilitate and serve all kinds of critters, birds, and other species, benefitting the health of the entire state.
galveston bay foundation, native plant sale

Galveston Bay Foundation

The Benefits of Being an Eco-Enthusiast


Eco-Enthusiast Welcome Package

By joining the Eco-Enthusiast program, you’re not just making a donation—you’re becoming a key player in the fight for a healthier planet. Here are some benefits you can expect:

  • Eco-Enthusiast Welcome Package: Get an EarthShare Texas tote, an exclusive Eco-Enthusiast mug (while supplies last), an upcycled pen and sticker, and important info to pass on to your green friends.
  • Regular Updates: Receive exclusive updates on the impact of your contributions and the progress of our projects.
  • Special Recognition: Be acknowledged as a dedicated supporter on our website and in our annual reports.

How to Join

Becoming an Eco-Enthusiast is simple. Visit our Eco-Enthusiast program page, choose your monthly giving level, and complete the sign-up process. Your contributions will start making an impact immediately, helping our members tackle the most pressing environmental challenges.

Invest in a Greener Future Today

At EarthShare Texas, we believe that every contribution counts, and together, we can create a sustainable future for generations to come. Join the Eco-Enthusiast monthly giving program today and become a vital part of the solution.

Thank you for your commitment to the environment. Together, we can make a difference—one month at a time.

Join the Eco-Enthusiast Program Now

eco-enthusiast mug

Eco-Enthusiast Mug – while supplies last

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