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Unplugged Adventure: All About Migration

Many migrating waterfowl call the Katy Prairie their home during the winter. Join Mikayla for a virtual viewing experience where you will be able to see the birds up close,...

Wildscaping: Creating Habitat in Our Cities

Native plants and special features can create a beautiful landscape that invites wildlife to our backyards, neighborhoods, and campuses. Learn how to turn part of your property into a garden...

The Vulnerability of Urban Forests in Central Texas

Bexar Audubon Society and the Friends of San Antonio Natural Areas are co-hosting an online program on Friday, Feb. 26 @ 11:30 AM via Zoom. Dr. Wendy Gordon, an environmental...

Desal Fight Prep Webinar

The City of Corpus Christi and the Port of Corpus Christi are proposing desalination projects to serve corporations’ water needs, not people's needs. These desal proposals threaten our bays, wildlife,...

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