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Our parent company, EarthShare (national), recently updated its brand. As an affiliate, EarthShare Texas has a new logo, removed the “of” from our original federation name, and an exciting, easy-to-use new website. This brand renovation represents an expansion of EarthShare Texas as we focus on more diverse avenues of fundraising to help provide a sustainable, healthy future for the benefit of Texas. 

Individual Contributions Expand Environmental Collective Impact

As EarthShare Texas continues our successful cause-marketing campaigns, we are growing and leaning towards individual contributions, from selling our new merch to supporting #MyEarthMyTexas and more. Deriving funds from individual donors extends the connection between our members and the communities they positively change throughout Texas while creating a broader scope of the collective impact possible for the environment. 

Since 1992 we have grown in our avenues of generating resources to best serve the missions of our members. EarthShare Texas continually commits itself to empowering our 35+ environmental nonprofit members through our collaboration with community partners and financial stewardship. See how you can contribute to the change today with a donation to your favorite environmental federation in Texas.   

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